Monday, June 16, 2014

#46: Enjoy the beach.

Today's lesson is to appreciate the pure  awesomeness of living close enough to hang out the beach!  When you are there, stand in awe of her power. Listen to the water and allow it to speak to your heart. Trace your toes in the steaming sand. Run from the crashing waves. Gather shells. Study it and embed it in your might not last forever, but for now it is pretty cool! 

#45: Visit your friends in other places.

This is an add on to a previous lesson...I recently traveled to Seattle to visit a dear was an amazing weekend away for so many reasons, but most important (in my opinion) is traveling with an open heart and mind. Experience everything...take it all in! In just several days we walked a 5k race, visited a waterfall, ate by the bay, went to a concert, went shopping at the market, got turned down by a cabby but enjoyed the long walk home, ate some amazing meals, stayed up way too late just catching up and SO much more. It was a soul reboot that I needed and one that I will always encourage you to do! Travel as much as you can and when your friends move away to really cool places, use it as an excuse to travel more!!! I have so many more places to go...friends, if you're reading this-you might be next!!! :)