Monday, November 24, 2014

#80: Every strand needs a middle.

Sometimes I see an image that makes me stop and count my blessings. This is one of those pictures...Lyla, you are so loved. You are such a blessing to our family. You are our princess. You are YOU at all times and I love that. I believe God sent you to us and knew that you'd be the PERFECT MIDDLE piece to our family. I hope you always remember how important the MIDDLE piece are a lucky girl and we are even luckier...

#79: Be patient.

Patience is so hard. It truly gets harder as you get older. I don't know if it because you know you have to be patient and don't want to or because we live in a quick fix society that we completely forget the importance of waiting - me included. I HATE WAITING...even for simple things...the bigger the thing, the harder it is for me to be patient. So, learn this young...patience is good...VERY GOOD.

#78: Collect shells.

Spent the weekend checking REAL SHELL HUNTING off of my FL To Do List...the lesson - wherever you decide to live or travel to - create a TO DO list. Things that you can only do there and mark them awesome!!! Can't wait to check some more off my list!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

#76: Twirl at sunset.

Twirling is fun anytime - but there is something extra special about a barefoot twirl in an open field at sunset with a great friend...ENJOY!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

#75: Make it count.

Make it count. Make it an epic moment. His shirt says it all. Embrace your adventure! 

#74: Use a crockpot.

There are so many wonderful recipes that can be made in a crockpot! Get one and use it! Yum! 

#73: Dig.

Machines are cool to watch, but that isn't what this picture made me think of. We call this a "digger" and it's job is to dig out the old stuff so that something new and hopefully better can take its place. Well, today's lesson is to create a personal digger. Review your choices and dig out the old to make way for new and better ones. Sometimes it will be easier to let the old stick'll look past holes, cracks, dents, tarnish, chipping paint, etc because it is scary to go off autopilot...but the more aware you become...the more digging you do...the greater your rewards! 

#72: Enjoy an afternoon nap.

Every once in a while it is perfectly acceptable to curl up and enjoy an afternoon nap!