Friday, December 13, 2013

#30: Experience MAGIC

This is a simple lesson...When you have kids, go to Disney! They aren't kidding when they say it is MAGICAL. When we moved to FL, one of the first major purchases was Disney passes...I didn't think we were "Disney People" but I have to admit, I LOVE to see your faces when we go. Every trip is new and exciting. You are still finding new things at each of the parks. We're figuring out how to make the most of our trips there...and I'm looking forward to making many more magical memories with you.

#29: Show Off (the right way)

I've never been proud of my looks - at least not for as long as I can remember. I was always the chubby kid and I've hid behind that mask for most of my life. In the last 5 months, I have completely transformed my life. I am FINALLY starting to truly see the results and I am so proud. I want to scream it from the rooftops because I feel like I might be able to inspire someone else to take off the mask and start living a better life. I finally feel like I'm proud of who I'm becoming. I have a lot more work to do - but I can do it and I'm glad some people might think I'm showing off...feels good to be noticed! :)

Learn how to show off the right way. Showing off isn't about putting other people down or elevating yourself above others. Showing off is about sharing your accomplishments in a way that might facilitate positive change in someone else. Be the person that others want to hang around. Be the person others want to copy. Be proud of you and be thankful that people notice! :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013

#28: Don't wait for an invitation.

I am constantly inviting people over to our house - not just because we are the new people in town - but because I LOVE PEOPLE! Lunch dates, playdates, pool parties, etc...anything that gets people excited to hang out! :) 

This lesson is about not waiting for an invitation - put yourself out there...INVITE OTHERS INTO YOUR WORLD. I am constantly trying to meet people. I love meeting new people. I constantly find myself being inspired by others and looking for ways to connect. I believe that people are placed in your life for a reason. Don't ever waist the opportunity to explore new friendships...

Saturday, December 7, 2013

#27: Don't wait for the perfect time.

I was ready to have kids much sooner than your dad. I'm crazy, we all know that. I am thankful that your dad is much more practical and pretty good at making me wait...His famous answer is usually "if it has to be now, then it has to be no." I can remember taking the pregnancy tests and staring at disbelief when the lines appeared. It was overwhelming to know that we had created the start of a new life...that God had called us to be parents...and all 3 times, it got better! :) But, at the same time, I hope he would agree that I have helped pushed him to realize that there is no such thing as the PERFECT TIME for anything.

Edwin Oct 2007 POSITIVE!!! Born June 12 2008
Lyla Oct 2009 POSITIVE!!! Born June 22 2010
Louie Dec 2011 POSITIVE!!! Born August 13 2012
There will be so many times in your life when you will want to wait. You will want to have your plans in place. You will want to have your finances in order. You will want to be sure you are 100% ready...but I want to teach you that there is NEVER a perfect time. If you wait for the perfect time, you will be waiting forever...instead, focus on your heart and follow your dreams - big and scary or little and is all possible. Don't wait - of course, when it comes to having children - the big things need to be in have to have a partner that you are committed to and you have to believe that you are ready to accept the challenges, because raising kids is sure, wait until you get the big things under control - but don't wait for the PERFECT time...the ALMOST PERFECT time is as good as it gets and and can become perfect quickly when the blessings fall!