Friday, December 13, 2013

#29: Show Off (the right way)

I've never been proud of my looks - at least not for as long as I can remember. I was always the chubby kid and I've hid behind that mask for most of my life. In the last 5 months, I have completely transformed my life. I am FINALLY starting to truly see the results and I am so proud. I want to scream it from the rooftops because I feel like I might be able to inspire someone else to take off the mask and start living a better life. I finally feel like I'm proud of who I'm becoming. I have a lot more work to do - but I can do it and I'm glad some people might think I'm showing off...feels good to be noticed! :)

Learn how to show off the right way. Showing off isn't about putting other people down or elevating yourself above others. Showing off is about sharing your accomplishments in a way that might facilitate positive change in someone else. Be the person that others want to hang around. Be the person others want to copy. Be proud of you and be thankful that people notice! :)

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