Thursday, July 24, 2014

#57: Scissors are for paper.

Remember - scissors are for PAPER. Only special scissors are for hair cuts and only special people can use them (aka Grandma Nikki)! I keep waiting to find Lyla with her own haircut - seems like little girls all have to try it at least far this lesson is working! :)

#56: Be curious.

Today's lesson is to be curious. Always ask questions. Continue learning not only how things work - but try to understand WHY. As you get older, these are the same questions you should ask yourself. Take a peek inside your soul - don't just ask how you will live...ask WHY? Follow your dreams...I cannot wait to see what each of you achieve...and I will be cheering you on every step of the way!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

#55: Share your talents and invite others to try.

Share your talents and passions and invite others to try! You were so excited when Grandma Ross agreed to draw Pokemon with you. Don't ever think that people aren't interested. You have to give them the chance to say no and you might be surprised by how many day yes! I learned this lesson from my days as a fundraiser and believe it!!!

#54: Have fun with rocks.

Always have fun with rocks! ;)

#53: Strategic smiles and sincere pleases are powerful.

We read a lot of books. I have found that reading books accomplishes a multitude of tasks - ex: learning to read, vocabulary  development, better ability to ask questions and solve problems, less tv/video games, snuggling, letter/sound recognition, goes on and on...but that isn't today's lesson! 

Today's lesson is the power of a strategic smile and a sincere please. Today I read this book no less than 14 times to you Louie...but each time you got it back off the shelf and brought it to me your face looked like this. A perfect smile and your read lease mama matched perfectly resulting in another read...lesson - don't be scared to ask for repeats of something great! The answer won't always be yes...but your smile and sincere please will always result in the same in return! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

#52: Do what you love.

Edwin, you love art! Drawing, painting, coloring, etc...I saw an art camp advertised and knew you'd love it and I was right!!! 

Lesson: do what you love! You might be the only boy (girl). You might be the smallest (biggest). You might be the fastest (slowest). But at the end if the day, if you love it-you will be happy and succeed!!! 

#51: Remember, smiles are contagious!

Smiles are so contagious! When you are all smiling I just can't help myself...thanks for constantly reminding me to be happy where I am!!! :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

#50: Surround yourself with beauty.

Another simple lesson - beauty can be found everywhere. Surround yourself with beautiful landscapes - both physical and emotional. Look for beautiful places and souls and allow yourself to be inspired daily.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

#49: Rent the front row cabana.

Another simple lesson - sometimes the $15 upgrade to front row is really worth it! The view is so much better than the back of the cabana in front of you! :)

#48: Don't eat the paper.

Simple lesson - remember to remove the paper from cupcakes, muffins, waffle cones, etc. :)

#47: Celebrate the strengths of others.

Tonight we went to Epcot with Grandma Ross and on the way home I asked Edwin: what's your favorite part about having Lyla as a sister?

His response made my heart rejoice: "my favorite part about having lyla for a sister is her personality because she doesn't care what she's doing...she just does it!"

At the heart of this comment is the fact that Edwin recognizes one of Lyla's strengths. She is able to be flexible, adaptable, spontaneous, crazy, etc...all things that go against his core. He adores rules, routines, orders, instructions, etc. 

I love that at 6 Edwin can see and celebrate being different and I can't wait to hear what Lyla's favorite part about Edwin is...