Wednesday, July 23, 2014

#53: Strategic smiles and sincere pleases are powerful.

We read a lot of books. I have found that reading books accomplishes a multitude of tasks - ex: learning to read, vocabulary  development, better ability to ask questions and solve problems, less tv/video games, snuggling, letter/sound recognition, goes on and on...but that isn't today's lesson! 

Today's lesson is the power of a strategic smile and a sincere please. Today I read this book no less than 14 times to you Louie...but each time you got it back off the shelf and brought it to me your face looked like this. A perfect smile and your read lease mama matched perfectly resulting in another read...lesson - don't be scared to ask for repeats of something great! The answer won't always be yes...but your smile and sincere please will always result in the same in return! 

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