Thursday, October 23, 2014

#71: Everyday is a gift.

This lesson is something I think about often - but take for granted. Everyday is a gift. It is too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life - especially in our world. Between homework, sports, play-dates, work and all of the other things we have to fit into the same 24 hours that everyone has - we forget. We forget to say thanks to God for another day of blessings. We forget to take a deep breath and acknowledge how blessed we are. We forget how wonderful life truly is. Normal days are sometimes the greatest gifts...knowing that we don't have to have something special on the calendar or spend a ton of money to love each create be HAPPY...

#70: Read.

I love that you all love books. We've been reading with each of you before you were born...I love snuggling up and reading books with you...and for the most part, you all could sit and listen all day long. Sometimes we forget how fun reading is...I recently joined a book-study group at church and have recommitted to reading...don't stop...keep reading...keep learning!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

#69: Create 1:1 time.

With 3 kids, I realize how valuable time has become. It is something that I can't make more of. I also know the power of 1:1 time and as parents, we continue to try to find special opportunities to share moments that matter with each child ALONE. Times get crazy. Our calendars are so full. It is hard to find time. Everyone is so busy. Money is tight. And to each excuse I say BLAH BLAH BLAH...I know I've used them to justify why I haven't taken individual time with my little ones...

Sometimes it takes a special occasion to guide you into some 1:1 time. It can be a school field trip, a special activity, a friend's birthday party or in this case a VERY SPECIAL WEDDING. Today Callie Marie Photography posted this photo from our recent trip to Cincinnati. Our old nanny asked Lyla to be her Flower Girl and Lyla was so excited (so was I)! Melissa has always had a special place in my heart and our kids adore her...the wedding was perfect. Lyla did amazing but for me the most memorable moments were being with Lyla 1:1 for an extended weekend. What an blessing for us. What a special memory we were able to make together. Special thanks to Callie Marie Photography for capturing one of these moments for me forever...special thanks to Melissa for not only asking us to be a part of this celebration, but for including Lyla and me in such an integral way.

I'm still in complete awe that we produced such a beautiful little princess...thanks be to God!

#68: Make your bed.

It is simple. So simple that often we say we don't need to do it. Making your bed can seem like a meaningless task - especially when we use our excuses to justify why we DON'T do it - example - why make the bed if we are just going to get back into it in a few hours...

Well, I want you to think about why you should make your bed. I've recently made an attempt to not leave my bedroom in the morning without making my bed first! In just a few days I can tell you there are some major positives from adding this to my morning routine:

1. Starting the day with a sense of accomplishment. It is probably the easiest thing I'll get to check off from my day's to do list and starts my day with forward progress.

2. It makes it very difficult to crawl back into bed if it is already made.

3. It is a positive example of respecting your space. I'm constantly asking my kids to clean up and respect their things - but I haven't been a living example of taking pride and ownership of my own.

4. It looks nice.

5. I spent good money on a beautiful bed set, and it feels good to use it.

6. I don't have to keep my bedroom door closed because I actually enjoy seeing my special space.

7. It is EASY!

8. Did I mention that it is EASY????

So, what are you waiting for...if you haven't made your bed today - get to it! Don't wait...this very simple task can start a snowball effect of getting things done, cleaned up, put away and crossed off!!!