Friday, January 10, 2014

#31: Talk To Strangers

After your cross country meet, we went to the grocery for a quick had asked for a box of Little Debbies and I said no because they were not on the quick list...when we got to the checkout lane we put our things on the belt to be scanned...I moved up to the cash register and watched the prices add up. All of the sudden I saw Christmas Tree Cakes ring up and I said, "Oh wait...those aren't ours...he would love them to be ours...but not this time..." The older man behind me laughed and said that they were his for he and his grandson...We talked a bit while we finished paying and then as we were walking toward the door, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the man - he asked if he could give Edwin the box of Christmas Tree Cakes - apparantely he had bought 2 boxes and "really only needed one" ;) So sweet...

You just never know the importance of saying hi and offering a kind smile to a complete stranger. Obviously, I want you to be careful and not talk to just anyone...but when you are with me - I want you to see how awesome it can be to make "friends" with everyone you meet. It makes such a difference when you live life being nice to everyone! You enjoyed the Christmas Trees and look for that man every time we're at that grocery store! I hope he shared a similar story with his grandson!

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