Friday, January 10, 2014

#32: Positive Self Image

This is Lyla's January 2014 Self Portrait - don't you wish we all had this positive self image. I mean, flowing long hair like Rapunzel, glass slippers like Cinderella, a beautiful smile and FIREWORKS overhead...

When we are young, we know how awesome we are. We are thrilled with even the smallest of accomplishments. As we get older, the accomplishments have to get bigger and bigger or they just don't matter - we stop celebrating small victories - we start focusing on negatives - we lose sight of the idea that anything is possible - we get comfortable with 'real life' - we stop seeing fireworks...

Well, I'm telling you to hold on to your positive self image forever. Nurture it. Give yourself time for YOU. Celebrate YOU and every unique thing that you offer to this world. You have a purpose...and I can't wait to see what you become! Thank you for bringing fireworks back to my life...truly one blessed mama!!! :)

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