Sunday, August 31, 2014

#67: Be gentle.

Now that Louie has started school - we're constantly practicing one of his new school rules - GENTLE HANDS...BE GENTLE TO YOUR FRIENDS...and it has made me think. Lesson: Don't just be gentle in a physical way. We must also learn to be gentle emotionally. You never know what a person is going through in the privacy of their heart and we must always be gentle with our words and actions.

#66: Smile...A Lot.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

#65: Sometimes it takes 1,000 NOs to find just 1 YES.

Keep asking. Especially if it involves something you care deeply about. Example, I am passionate about fundraising for the Alzheimer's Association. From even before your Great Grandma Betty (AKA: Grams) was diagnosed, this disease had started stealing memories. Simple activities started becoming burdens. Grocery shopping, cooking, taking medicine, driving, telling stories, etc...all changed. Some more slowly than others - but eventually all that was left was a shell. Grams truly lost her marbles and I pledged to Paps that I would continue fighting for a cure to this awful disease...I would gather her marbles and we would take a stand...and I began asking. Asking for help - asking for donations - asking for teammates - asking - asking - asking. Sometimes it gets old...I feel like I'm bothering people...but then I remember why I do this and I think to myself I HOPE I'M BOTHERING YOU...Take note...make a difference...I will continue asking until I get YOUR yes!!! THANK YOU!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

#64: Take note of your details.

Look in the mirror and give thanks for your details. They are so unique and perfect in every way. Every little thing - I see my summer freckles, wet eyelashes from a day in the pool, ungroomed eyebrows, etc. and they add up to MAMA PERFECTION... :)

#63: Appreciate situations that FORCE you to slow down.

We are always hurrying from place to place. Event to event. It feels like as soon as one things end, we're off to the next. It is easy to feel anxious and even angry when you are forced to slow down - but today's lesson is to appreciate it. Appreciate when a FL bird parade forces you to drive slower and appreciate God's creations. Enjoy the beauty this will bring to your life.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#60: Take note of the normal days - they are actually extraordinary.

Today was a normal day. We rushed getting ready this morning - I think everyone ate peanut butter and jelly waffles and a fruit pouch. We all got dressed and out the door to actually be 2 minutes early at the bus stop. This allowed me to put a new lego keychain (golden ninja) on Edwin's bookbag and then Edwin got on the bus. Lyla and Louie raced ahead of me back to the house to watch a morning show while I got everything ready (mostly my thoughts) for the day. Off to the grocery - we were out of bananas - don't know why that seems to happen every morning? Back home in time for swim lessons - Louie had a float refresher with our favorite swim coach Miss Tina today. While getting Louie out of his wet clothes, he managed to pee all over me - so some clean up was necessary. Then lunch, coloring, Simon Says...and lots of singing/dancing. Then it was time to head back to the bus stop to get Edwin. Then back home to hear all about Edwin's BLUE (best behavior) day, his bought lunch - only his 2nd day trying to buy lunch and he LOVED the chicken sandwich and sweet potato fries. Put Louie down for a nap and then time for Edwin's weekly homework while Lyla busily glued as much paper as possible together - she was making an American Flag so I didn't feel like I should tell her to stop. Then dinner and a movie (Ratatouille) while we wait for daddy to get home. Daddy gets to spend a few minutes with us as we finish our movie and then has to jump on a MBA video conference I get you all ready for bed - read 3 LONG books and tuck you all in. Tomorrow we start all over...just a normal day...actually extraordinary...

Lesson: take note of these normal days - they seem to get lost in the shuffle of the super crazy days. We forget how awesome these normal days are because life gets so full. We are so blessed by these NORMAL days! :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

#59: Don't wait until you run out of excuses.

So, two nights ago your dad told me that someone made the comment to him that he must have an awesome wife and he thanked me for keeping us all together. It was exactly what I needed to hear. The life of a stay-at-home-mom often feels overwhelming and under-appreciated. (NOTE BOTH  EXCUSES I've been using).  I went to bed feeling proud of my family, my husband, my kids...but most importantly ME.

For months I've been finding reasons why I cannot focus on me - all of the normal suspects - lack of time, family, side-job pressures, lonliness, kid activities, too hot, Dave's work schedule, etc...all excuses that have allowed me to justify my lack of concern for ME and my downward spiral (weight gain, lack of physical activity, depression, etc)...

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed - a new motto came to me - an answered prayer - so clear..."YOU ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF EXCUSES!" Edwin started school on Monday and I began by checking a few things off of my to-do list that have been there for months and completing a healthy grocery trip with no sneaky treats (for those of you who don't know this about me - it is a coping mechanism that I've developed to deal with my fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc...I eat in secret. I know it is a serious problem and I'm currently looking at ways to deal with it for the long-term). I kept telling myself "JUST GET THROUGH TODAY" and that's what I did. Today, Lyla and Louie both started school and I took the opportunity to head to the gym - first time in months. I just kept repeating "JUST GET THROUGH TODAY". Tonight we took a family walk and I enjoyed watching our three beautiful kids run, smile, laugh, play, race, etc. And then it hit me...all of this time I've been using excuses...I should've been looking at reasons to keep going - not reasons to stop.

This is a VERY IMPORTANT lesson and one that I wish I would've thought about and mastered a long time ago. Don't wait until you run out of excuses to do something great. Take a minute to think of all of the reasons why you should do something great and keep going. Don't let the excuses take over and help you quit. You can succeed if you're willing to take the steps necessary to make it happen. Your 3 perfect faces helped me realize this today...and once again, I am proud of ME! THANK YOU! :)

Saturday, August 9, 2014

#58: it's okay to see it different.

Lyla (top) and Edwin (bottom) see things so different. Edwin appreciates order and rules where lyla strives for perfect dysfunction at all costs. It is so fun to watch the personalities grow and develop...

Lesson: it is okay to see the same things differently. The more important thing is to realize that we all see things differently! Our past experiences, values and current circumstances help us build our views...sometimes you won't understand why you or someone else thinks a certain way - just appreciate the differences!