Tuesday, August 26, 2014

#65: Sometimes it takes 1,000 NOs to find just 1 YES.

Keep asking. Especially if it involves something you care deeply about. Example, I am passionate about fundraising for the Alzheimer's Association. From even before your Great Grandma Betty (AKA: Grams) was diagnosed, this disease had started stealing memories. Simple activities started becoming burdens. Grocery shopping, cooking, taking medicine, driving, telling stories, etc...all changed. Some more slowly than others - but eventually all that was left was a shell. Grams truly lost her marbles and I pledged to Paps that I would continue fighting for a cure to this awful disease...I would gather her marbles and we would take a stand...and I began asking. Asking for help - asking for donations - asking for teammates - asking - asking - asking. Sometimes it gets old...I feel like I'm bothering people...but then I remember why I do this and I think to myself I HOPE I'M BOTHERING YOU...Take note...make a difference...I will continue asking until I get YOUR yes!!! THANK YOU!!! http://act.alz.org/goto/bettysmarblesteam

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