Tuesday, August 12, 2014

#59: Don't wait until you run out of excuses.

So, two nights ago your dad told me that someone made the comment to him that he must have an awesome wife and he thanked me for keeping us all together. It was exactly what I needed to hear. The life of a stay-at-home-mom often feels overwhelming and under-appreciated. (NOTE BOTH  EXCUSES I've been using).  I went to bed feeling proud of my family, my husband, my kids...but most importantly ME.

For months I've been finding reasons why I cannot focus on me - all of the normal suspects - lack of time, family, side-job pressures, lonliness, kid activities, too hot, Dave's work schedule, etc...all excuses that have allowed me to justify my lack of concern for ME and my downward spiral (weight gain, lack of physical activity, depression, etc)...

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed - a new motto came to me - an answered prayer - so clear..."YOU ARE COMPLETELY OUT OF EXCUSES!" Edwin started school on Monday and I began by checking a few things off of my to-do list that have been there for months and completing a healthy grocery trip with no sneaky treats (for those of you who don't know this about me - it is a coping mechanism that I've developed to deal with my fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc...I eat in secret. I know it is a serious problem and I'm currently looking at ways to deal with it for the long-term). I kept telling myself "JUST GET THROUGH TODAY" and that's what I did. Today, Lyla and Louie both started school and I took the opportunity to head to the gym - first time in months. I just kept repeating "JUST GET THROUGH TODAY". Tonight we took a family walk and I enjoyed watching our three beautiful kids run, smile, laugh, play, race, etc. And then it hit me...all of this time I've been using excuses...I should've been looking at reasons to keep going - not reasons to stop.

This is a VERY IMPORTANT lesson and one that I wish I would've thought about and mastered a long time ago. Don't wait until you run out of excuses to do something great. Take a minute to think of all of the reasons why you should do something great and keep going. Don't let the excuses take over and help you quit. You can succeed if you're willing to take the steps necessary to make it happen. Your 3 perfect faces helped me realize this today...and once again, I am proud of ME! THANK YOU! :)

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