Sunday, February 2, 2014

#34: Check and Change Your Filters

So, the week before last both of our home furnaces (yes we have 2 in FL) had to have their motors replaced. What are the chances, right? Luckily, they were covered by our home warranty and were able to be fixed easily...but I did learn a valuable lesson that I wanted to pass along...check AND change your filters! lol FYI: They should NOT look like this:

Now our filters are all clean and this is now a task on my home to do list every couple of months...but more than a house filter, this got me often do we check and change our personal filters. Perhaps I've been thinking too much...but hear me out...filters trap all of the crap that is in our house's air...thus allowing for clean air to be cycled back through our ventilation system and back into our space. I'm pretty sure I have a personal filter that works the same collects all of the trash I read/see, all of the nasty things people say, all of the doubts/fears I hide, all of the troubles I as I quickly approach my 35th birthday - I think I'll take a minute and check and clean my filter...start fresh and enjoy the life I'm working so hard to create. There are people/things that don't fit in my world anymore and I think it is time to do some spring cleaning...think about it...

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