Thursday, February 6, 2014

#36: Positive & Honest Reflection Provides Continued Motivation

I love my birthday. It is the only day that is ALL MINE! Each year on my birthday I take a minute to reflect on myself and what's going on with ME. This year was no different - but so different at the same time. Here's what I know:

I am a 35-year-old woman. I am a mother to 3 of the most beautiful people I've ever known. I am a wife to my best friend and #1 fan. I am a sister who misses her little sister everyday. I am a daughter who is still trying to make my mom and dad proud. I am a daughter-in-law who is thankful to have a 2nd family so full of love. I am a friend to so many - old and new...and I treasure each relationship. I am overweight but so proud to no longer be OBESE. I am blessed beyond measure with family/friends who love me, support me, challenge me, calm me, excite me, push me, pull me and most importantly - believe in me!

In the spirit of honest reflection - check me out!!! 100lbs lighter since Louie was born - well on my way to achieving my ultimate goals...Here's to a new year - an even better year - a year of progress and forward motion - a year of results - a year of ME!

Take the time to give yourself a POSITIVE annual review. I use my birthday because it is easy to remember...ask yourself - where am I? where am I going? where have I been? How do I get there? Who can help me? Don't forget to keep it positive. It does no good to beat yourself up with negative self-talk and low self proud...believe me, I look at these pictures and my gut reaction is disgust...but when I take time to give myself honest reflection I see a woman who is trying her best...Believe me, YOU can make the most amazing things happen!!!

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