Monday, March 23, 2015

#104: Lent Reflections - Week Four

Main Lesson: High Tide vs. Low Tide

I spent much of this last week preparing for a weekend away with one of my best girlfriends.

Mini Lesson: I have found that we need all types of friends. We need casual friends/acquaintances who give us smiles or a quick hello in passing. We need hang-out friends who like to do the same things we do and are willing to do them. We need situational friends who are experiencing similar journeys - struggles/successes and are open to share wisdom. We need long distance friends who can manage the stress of a long distance friendship. We need neighbor friends who talk at the bus stop and invite you over for coffee or for a walk. We need church friends who can inspire you with Faith. We need BEST friend(s). I am blessed to have several people in my life that I would consider best friends. I have learned that these people can change as we change and that they might not. Don't discount what every person you encounter does for you. I believe every single person is exactly where they are supposed to be to teach us, help us, inspire us, guide us or even to scare us. It is amazing what each person can bring to us when we are open to receive.

So, I digress...we went to Amelia Island this past weekend - specifically Ferdandina Beach. A few months ago my girlfriend suggested that she come down so that I could get away. This is when you know you have a true friend. She knew that I needed a break. She could tell that I was at a breaking point. Isn't it funny how the timing of this trip worked out - or perhaps not funny at all but God-inspired. When we planned this trip, I didn't put it together that it would be in the middle of Lent or that I would be making this reflective journey. I didn't know that I would have a health scare and have to truly take time to consider my life and my most basic goals. I didn't know that I would be feeling a bit out of control and tired beyond belief - and somehow it was the PERFECT time for this trip to happen.

We arrived and got settled into our beachfront condo. I immediately felt a sense of gratitude. For friendship and for my husband who never gave the trip away a second thought. He is so generous, especially to me. Sometimes I forget or take for granted all that he does and it was a reminder I needed. We decided to go into the town to walk around and to grab dinner and as we were going in and out of shops, one of the shop workers was sharing shark teeth hunting secrets. Talking about searching for shells during LOW tide. Well, that got me thinking...and thinking and thinking...LOL

One of the definitions of High Tide is a culminating point. This is where I am. So much has happened over the last several months as I've been seeking for personal growth/inspiration and God's plan for me. It is truly amazing. But at the same time, I can't fear the coming Low Tide. One of the definitions of Low Tide is the lowest point of decline of anything. I've accepted that our lives have High and Low is how we manage them and the people we choose to have in our lives can either help us or prolong us from reaching our goals. In this season of High Tide, I am carefully watching everything come together - learning how to swim WITH the current - toward my goals instead of avoiding them or running away with fear. As the tides change, I will try to cling onto my friends (of all types) to help me keep the course...with their help and my choice to react positively - my Low Tide won't be so low next time...

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