Tuesday, March 3, 2015

#101: Lent Reflections - Week One

The purpose of Lent is to pray, do penance, give sacrifice and do good works in preparation for the celebration of Easter. I will be using the next 40 days to find clarity in my Purpose...I am ready and willing to see the many miracles that surround my daily life...planning to share my reflections as a weekly "lesson" and hope that one day Lent will be a powerful season for each of you!

Week One - Thoughts captured during this week:
  • Everything is a choice. Sure, there is plenty we should choose to do. But, likewise, there is plenty we should choose to stop doing. I spent the week thinking about things I need to either choose to do or choose to stop. It is amazing how simple life can be and how little we need to be truly happy. Think about it - simplify and make choices that will help - not hurt. One thing to note is that we all choose the wrong things sometimes - learn, grow and make new choices the next time...choices from yesterday do not have to be choices for today. You have the power to choose.
  • Positive thinking is not only powerful, but also contagious. Sometimes it is hard for me to stay positive. There is so much going on that I often feel like I'm barely able to keep my head above water...but on the days where I'm sinking I find it most important to be positive. I try really hard to find my happy place - usually it involves thinking about each of you. I am so blessed with three beautiful, healthy children I need not look too far for my smiles on even my worst of days. It is hard - I will never tell you that this is an easy one...but stay positive and surround yourself with people who create positivity in your life. Negative energy can be sickening - literally. 
  • Be quiet. Find time to be alone and pray. Talk to God and invite Him to help lead you to your purpose. When we quiet our hearts it is amazing how loud He can talk to us. Doors open (and shut), opportunities present themselves and you may feel an irresistible urge to jump. Do it! Have faith. This one is actually really hard for me as I have trouble quieting my mind. I am really focusing on this one during this season and am already amazed at how He is leading me.
There were so many wonderful things that happened during this week.
1. We attended Ash Wednesday services. Ash Wednesday commences this period of spiritual discipline. As I spent the day fasting and preparing for Ash Wednesday services, I felt at peace. I allowed myself time to reflect the purpose of Lent and asked God to be with me throughout my journey. I spent much of the day in prayer and contemplation. Looking at this as a Season of Renewal filled my heart with abundant hope.
2. I met your newest cousin - Weston and am so thankful for his health. He is perfection. He reminded me of how simple things can be. All we need is unconditional love and I believe God provides that for us. I hope that I can show you how powerful that is and that you too will continue trusting God throughout your life.
3. I examined my conscience and went to Confession. 
4. I attended a Lent program at church.
5. I continue to make progress and am fighting my personal demons - it is a daily struggle, but I feel equipped to succeed. I am willing to love myself throughout this process. I am willing to release my need for negative attention and self criticism and instead focus on seeing the many miracles in my daily life. 

BIG LESSONS for this week: Love yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Grow. Learn. Inspire others. Share your story. Invite God to be a part of your life. Be quiet. Think positive. Choose wisely. Love others. Be patient. 

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