Saturday, April 26, 2014

#44: Sometimes things break with no warning and no reason.

Several weeks ago we came home to find a shattered patio door. My initial reaction was fear that someone had tried to break into our home - but after careful surveying, we were able to rule this out. What we weren't able to do - find a reason for the break. So, we were just thankful that no one was hurt and we were able to get it fixed right away.

This scenario reminded me of an important lesson in life. Sometimes things break with no warning and no specific reason. Things can be physical things - cars, household items, etc. Things can be people - friendships, family relationships, etc. Things can be emotional - depression, binge eating, jealousy, etc. Things can be physical - unexplained injuries, headaches, etc. Don't get me wrong - everything has a reason...but what I mean is not every reason is apparent. Sometimes things just happen. Things change. We have to be able to adjust. We cannot allow changes to negatively impact our progress. I can only say this because I is much harder to accept the fact that things change...including ourselves. Accept the fact that sometimes things break with no warning and no reason.

#43: Sometimes hiding allows you to regroup.

Louie loves to hide...and most of the time that means covering his head. I can almost always see his feet, legs, hands, etc. But he can't see therefore, he assumes I cannot see him. He stays so quiet and still as I call "Louie, where are you..." All I can hear is a faint giggle...until he pops his head out and screams "HE'LLO!"
This simple game has got me thinking...yep another lesson - sometimes we just need to hide and regroup. You don't have to entirely shut yourself down...just cover your eyes for a minute. Some people choose power naps - those have never worked for me...sometimes I will go to the grocery and "hide" from reality...wondering around the aisles with no specific mission until I can regroup and come up with my next steps. Sometimes I will go for a walk to "hide" from reality - a well rehearsed path allows me much needed time to consider my options. Sometimes I like to cover my head...listen to some good music...just escape from everything but me...hide and regroup...

Thursday, April 24, 2014

#42: Put the gadgets down.

We were out to dinner the other night and I couldn't help but notice the older couple across from us. They kept giving me the "please quiet down" eyes because the three of you were your typical excited to be out of the house selves...I just kept thinking how sad it was that they weren't engaged in each other. They were out for dinner with their phones. I am just as guilty - I can't miss a call or not respond right away - cell phones and instant communication have definitely made an impact (and I'm not sure it is always good) in our world. Just remember to communicate face-to-face - use your words - use eye contact - smile - hold hands - etc. I'm sure technology will only get more intense as we get older - so PLEASE don't get so wrapped up into it that you forget to live!!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#41: Create Wellness Streaks

Wellness streaks are a concept I learned from Chris and Joe Downie while working at a company named SparkPeople. It is simple - engage in daily activities that are sustainable and create a streak on a calendar. The end goal is to create a habit and continue to add these wellness streaks until you slowly transform your daily activities into a more healthy lifestyle.

Whenever I get into a rut, I revert back and consider adding a wellness streak. It is one of those times and my first added activity is a VERY simple one. Starting April 2, 2014, I will walk around the block EVERY DAY that I'm in Oviedo (without crossing the street) - no shortcuts...this will equal approximately 1 mile of walking every day that I'm not traveling...a much needed and obtainable daily wellness activity. Today was day 1...upon completion I added the GOLDEN STAR to my calendar and I must say it felt good to succeed...even something so small can really bring joy to your life.