Wednesday, April 2, 2014

#41: Create Wellness Streaks

Wellness streaks are a concept I learned from Chris and Joe Downie while working at a company named SparkPeople. It is simple - engage in daily activities that are sustainable and create a streak on a calendar. The end goal is to create a habit and continue to add these wellness streaks until you slowly transform your daily activities into a more healthy lifestyle.

Whenever I get into a rut, I revert back and consider adding a wellness streak. It is one of those times and my first added activity is a VERY simple one. Starting April 2, 2014, I will walk around the block EVERY DAY that I'm in Oviedo (without crossing the street) - no shortcuts...this will equal approximately 1 mile of walking every day that I'm not traveling...a much needed and obtainable daily wellness activity. Today was day 1...upon completion I added the GOLDEN STAR to my calendar and I must say it felt good to succeed...even something so small can really bring joy to your life.

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