Saturday, April 26, 2014

#43: Sometimes hiding allows you to regroup.

Louie loves to hide...and most of the time that means covering his head. I can almost always see his feet, legs, hands, etc. But he can't see therefore, he assumes I cannot see him. He stays so quiet and still as I call "Louie, where are you..." All I can hear is a faint giggle...until he pops his head out and screams "HE'LLO!"
This simple game has got me thinking...yep another lesson - sometimes we just need to hide and regroup. You don't have to entirely shut yourself down...just cover your eyes for a minute. Some people choose power naps - those have never worked for me...sometimes I will go to the grocery and "hide" from reality...wondering around the aisles with no specific mission until I can regroup and come up with my next steps. Sometimes I will go for a walk to "hide" from reality - a well rehearsed path allows me much needed time to consider my options. Sometimes I like to cover my head...listen to some good music...just escape from everything but me...hide and regroup...

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