Saturday, April 26, 2014

#44: Sometimes things break with no warning and no reason.

Several weeks ago we came home to find a shattered patio door. My initial reaction was fear that someone had tried to break into our home - but after careful surveying, we were able to rule this out. What we weren't able to do - find a reason for the break. So, we were just thankful that no one was hurt and we were able to get it fixed right away.

This scenario reminded me of an important lesson in life. Sometimes things break with no warning and no specific reason. Things can be physical things - cars, household items, etc. Things can be people - friendships, family relationships, etc. Things can be emotional - depression, binge eating, jealousy, etc. Things can be physical - unexplained injuries, headaches, etc. Don't get me wrong - everything has a reason...but what I mean is not every reason is apparent. Sometimes things just happen. Things change. We have to be able to adjust. We cannot allow changes to negatively impact our progress. I can only say this because I is much harder to accept the fact that things change...including ourselves. Accept the fact that sometimes things break with no warning and no reason.

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