Tuesday, October 29, 2013

#5: It is OK to Change your Mind

Eastertime 2013 - we had went to the mall to walk around on the cool Cincinnati day...while we were getting lunch, you noticed that the Easter Bunny was there. While I fed Louie, daddy took you both (Edwin and Lyla) to see the bunny...you waited in the long line and were looking so brave...when your moment came - Edwin walked right up and Lyla politely, but quickly walked away...

Lesson - it is okay to change your mind. Sometimes it is easy to not make decisions because we think we're going to make the wrong one...but it is okay to change your mind. Not everything is blank and white - even though it would often make things in life a lot easier - many times there is grey...just always do your best and grow from the decision that aren't the best and accept the responsibilities that result from the decisions you make.

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