Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#9 Eat Your Cake

We love celebrations. All types. It doesn't matter...big and small, we love to celebrate each other. I have definitely passed my love of all things dessert on to you and I love watching you fully enjoy it!!!

Just remember, you don't need cake in order to celebrate life. Celebrations are about the people and emotions you want to share your victory with - not the food you are going to shove down. It has taken me 34-1/2 years to figure that one I'm trying to save you some time! :) Celebrate. Learn to celebrate in a variety of ways...sure, cake is perfect once in a while - but don't forget a high-five, a handwritten note, a special song, a dance party, a smile, a hug, a night out, flowers, etc. and don't forget to celebrate the simple will be easy (I hope) to remember the BIG things that you will need to celebrate - birthdays, anniversaries, holidays - especially with today's technology reminding you all the time...but the simple things - that will be up to you. Take time to celebrate and eat your cake - whatever your cake may be! :)

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