Friday, November 1, 2013

#10: Messes Aren't All Bad

There are so many times that I wonder how it is possible that 3 little people can make such BIG messes. I can get overly frustrated by the number of times I have to ask you to clean up. I can't believe that you can't put something away before you start the next thing - I KNOW YOU DON'T DO THIS AT SCHOOL...hahaha...but then I remember how fortunate I am to have 3 healthy kids who can make messes, how blessed we are to have family/friends who continue to provide an excessive about of goodness for you to play with and how much it really doesn't matter at the end of the day...and I say with happiness, messes aren't ALL bad! :)

This is really a lesson about perspective and I'm sure it will return in a variety of messages from me. I believe we have the power to choose our reactions...and you must choose to be positive. Sometimes it is impossible not to feel down - grumpy - negative - whatever you want to call it...but I guarantee if you can learn to channel that energy into finding the positive in each situation - those feelings will pass much quicker. Finding positive isn't always easy - in fact, it can be quite honestly scary. People around you will be focusing on negative and bringing you down - whether they mean to or not - it will be up to you to rise up and remember this lesson - not all messes are bad...some might not be the easiest to clean up, but clean it with a smile and move fast as possible! :)

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