Monday, November 4, 2013

#13: Have Favorite Things

Each of you have favorite things...but nothing is as well loved as Edwin's blue blanket and teddy. Ever since you were old enough to carry them around, they have been with you. I thought you'd grow out of them...but now you are 5 and they are still your favorite things. They have to be in your bed each night. You may not carry them around anymore...but they are there and so close to your heart. I love seeing them because it reminds me of all the people who helped us celebrate your arrival. Your teddy is from one of my greatest friends Regina. She got it for you at Harrods in London - nothing but the best for my little Edwin! ;) and the blue blanket is from our friends Nick & Jen Gavey. They have gotten the same blanket (pink for Lyla) for each of you and it has been a favorite all 3 times. We are so blessed with amazing friends/family...

Lesson: Have favorite things. Don't let others tell you that you are too old for them. All through life you will appreciate what your favorite things represent. And when you're ready to "put them away" save them for your kids. The stories and people that they allow you to share will be so appreciated and they will become treasures for the next generation...

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