Monday, November 4, 2013

#12: When You're Ready - Build a Partnership for Life

Your dad and I couldn't be more different in a lot of ways - but we make a great team. We met in September 1997. I knew as soon as I saw your dad get off the elevator that I wanted to know him. Instantly I was attracted to his red hair and confident smile. It didn't take long to realize that he was the whole package. We were in the same Honors program - so he lived across the hall from me in the dorms. Your dad is probably one of the smartest people I've ever met. I felt like he never had to study...hahahaha...even though I'm sure he'll tell you that he did. Everyone liked your dad and he had connections. He was instantly involved with Greek life on campus. I told my roommates that I really liked your dad and they said I was crazy...but somehow I just knew...

Over the years, we grew up together. We slowly built our team and when your dad asked me to be his wife (Nov 8, 2003) I said YES to a partnership for life and on Oct 9, 2004 I made it official before God and our witnesses. I take that vow seriously and protect it with every ounce of my being. I cannot imagine my life with anyone else. One of the things I like best about your dad is his ability to teach me. He has taught me that it is okay to be selfish - we cannot fully love others unless we love ourselves first. I'm still working on this everyday...He appreciates what makes me ME. He loves all of ME.

In everything we do, there are similarities and differences...LOVE it all!!!
Remember, partnerships aren't about being the same. Building a team is about allowing each other to be different and LOVING everything about what makes each other tick. It is amazing to find someone who makes you excited to live each day.I pray that each of you will find your "better half" and that each of you will be someone else's "better half!"

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