Wednesday, November 27, 2013

#25: Don't be scared to make waves.

I worked for SparkPeople during my last year of college and post graduation. Back then it was a little start-up company with just a few passionate people and a ton of potential. I learned so many valuable lessons from my time there - most notably the importance of working WITH others, which I failed at miserably while I was there. I've never quite forgiven myself for losing my chance to be part of what is now an amazing team of people trying to help others reach their goals and live happier, healthier lives.
Another lesson that has always stuck with me is a simple one - the ripple effect. Chris Downie, founder and CEO of, talked about never knowing how much the things you do effect other people. It is truly impossible to calculate. It is like jumping in the pool and creating a wave - which turns into ripples - how many people do your actions touch each day. Everything from a simple smile or hello to holding a door open to introducing yourself or donating to a may never know. This lesson is so important - DON'T BE SCARED TO MAKE WAVES. Do something crazy. Have huge goals. Work hard and achieve great success. Your ripples might help someone get the courage to make their own wave...

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