Thursday, November 14, 2013

#18: Don't Rush To Sit At the Grown Up Table

When I was a kid, we used to celebrate Thanksgiving at my Uncle Larry's house a lot and I never got the chance to sit at the grown up table. I've always acted older than I am (at least that's what I think), so I was always a bit disappointed that an invitation to "move up" was never that I'm an adult - I can look back fondly of all the fun I had at the kid table and I'm thankful my family MADE ME be a kid ;) ...there are other times where I can remember wishing I were older. A few big ones...when I was 15 - I couldn't wait to turn 16 so that I could get my car and driver's license. When I was 17 - I couldn't wait to turn 18 and leave for college to be "on my own!"
Don't rush to become an adult. Believe me, it is happening too fast and one day when you have a family of your own, you'll appreciate that statement - just like I do now. ENJOY being young. EXPERIENCE your childhood. TRY as many new things as you can. FAIL before a job is on the line. LEARN as much as you can. CELEBRATE each milestone. EXPLORE your boundaries. EARN your independence. PRACTICE all the things that will make you an amazing grown up one of these days - a long time from now...  :) Don't waist time wishing away your childhood - enjoy each day to its fullest and make them each the best!

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