Thursday, November 7, 2013

#14: No Matter Where You Are - SMILE!

The first thing we did when we arrived in FL was get you all started on your swimming lessons. It was an amazing process to watch you go from basically scared of water to LOVING swimming in a matter of weeks. A few weeks in, your instructor asked me to video you UNDER water...we were both shocked to see the result! Edwin was focused - no surprise there...but Lyla was SMILING...Lyla, you smile under water. You are amazing to watch. You remind me that it is so important to smile no matter where you are!

Sometimes life can be so can feel like we are underwater - so much going on, so many things to juggle, so many people to keep happy, so many tasks...Choosing to be positive has really helped me face the many challenges we face each day. We must SMILE. We must be the "light" for ourselves and others. You may never know the power of your smile. It can be contagious. It can be just what someone else needs. It can make you feel more confident to face your day. It can make you feel more beautiful. A simple smile can change everything!

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