Friday, November 15, 2013

#19: Love Who You Look At In The Mirror

I have always been told that you have to love yourself before you can love others...well, I think there might be some truth to that. Lately, I've been liking what I see when I look in the mirror. When people take my picture, my initial reaction is "let me see how bad that one looks..." but lately, I've been liking the photos and I've been enjoying posting them. I think I'm starting to fall in love with myself. That may sound crazy, but I have hated myself for a long time. I'm only sharing this because I want you to learn a VERY IMPORTANT LESSON from your mama tonight...LOVE WHO YOU LOOK AT IN THE MIRROR...
Sitting at bus stop - photo by Lyla Nov 2013

Love yourself. Love yourself enough to make mistakes. Love yourself enough to ask for forgiveness. Love yourself enough to admit when you're wrong. Love yourself enough to celebrate success. Love yourself enough to accept that change is a process and can be slow. Love yourself to enjoy the ride. Love yourself enough to be patient. Simply love yourself. I'm finding that the more I love myself - the more my heart swells for others. I have a "glow" and a certain pep to my step...I'm ready to face my days - good and bad. I'm able to smile - genuine and authentic...and it all started with loving myself a little more each day! Start now and don't ever stop!

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