Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#23: Learn to Float

One of the things that you were most excited about was having a pool in FL. To be honest, I've never been more scared. We immediately installed a safety fence around the pool, made sure all of the doors had working alarms/locks, and signed you up for swim lessons. We chose Little Otters Swim Academy and fully embraced the idea that learning to float could save your life.

Lesson: learn to float and one day when you have kids, teach them to float - the earlier the better! Look into survival swimming. Make it a priority! TODAY...

As I'm typing about the literal importance of learning to float, I'd be doing a disservice if I didn't also mention the figurative lesson here as well. Floating through life is important. It is important to know when to dive in, when to hold on to the edge, when to swim as fast as you can back to the stairs, when to get completely out of the water and when to float peacefully along. Just think about it...

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