Wednesday, November 27, 2013

#26: Don't register for fine china.

When you get ready to have your wedding, everyone will tell you that you need to create a registry so that people will know what things you need to start your new life. There will be a lengthy list of suggested items - linens, pots/pans, barware, glassware, and dishes...two sets - fine china and everyday...

When your dad and I went to register, we decided right away that we didn't need (or want) two complete sets of dishes...we almost registered for a plain white character, nothing...plain white. But at the last minute before our list went live to the public, we changed it to our orange dishes. I'm so thankful we made that decision. Our orange dishes have exemplified our marriage in many ways. Happy, adventurous, a little crazy, loud, simple but fun, dress up or dress down - versatile, adaptable, etc.

Lesson: When the day comes that you have to go make a bridal registry, DO NOT REGISTER FOR FINE CHINA! Pick one set that you truly LOVE! Everyone will tell you that you should get super nice dishes AND everyday dishes...I just want to tell you that one set of dishes is more than enough. By the time you are ready to use your really nice dishes (after kids), chances are you won't like your 15-years-ago-these-were-so-beautiful-dishes and don't'll be able to go buy the dishes you want...if you still want them. Personally, my goal is to buy holiday Mom #2 (AKA: mother-in-law) has Christmas dishes and I've always been inspired by that. I can't wait to have holiday dishes...and holiday linens for that matter...I think it would be a fun tradition alongside putting up the Christmas tree - to get out the dishes, and change all the beds/pillows/etc. One day...for now, trust me - Fine China for newlyweds is OVERRATED!!!!!

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