Wednesday, November 20, 2013

#22: Remember Why

Everytime I look at my wedding ring, I remember why I said YES. I love your dad. I love US. I love who I am when I'm with your dad. I love who I've become over the years with your dad. I love knowing that he loves me as much as I love him. I love knowing that he said yes for the same reasons. Basically, I LOVE...LOVE!

I encourage you to remember why you make decisions, especially the BIG ones. Find a picture/item/phrase/etc that will remind you why you do what you do. My wedding ring is a daily reminder about why LOVE is so important...why our family works...why I am so happy...why I am so blessed. It keeps me reminds me to be my best. It reminds me that I am loved and this is what life is about!

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