Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#17: Find Your Stregth in EVERY Sitauation

We had been in FL for about a month when I got a call from your dad that you had fallen out of our swing. I rushed home from the store and knew that I had to take you to the hospital. We went to Urgent Care and they immediately sent us to Arnold Palmer Hospital because you had broken BOTH arms. They had to put you asleep so they could reset both arms and it was the longest 8 week recovery of my life. We had to help you with everything - eating, bathing, going potty, writing, etc. But, guess what? We made it. You healed. In fact, if I didn't have these pictures...you'd probably never know. We've all moved on...
Waiting for you to "wake up" from your procedure...

Going home from hospital - what a crazy 12 hours 4:00pm - 4:30am


Lesson: First, always hold tight on when you are swinging! ;)
Seriously though, throughout life you will be in situations that you think couldn't get any worse. You might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You might not understand WHY or what to do next. Breathe...and remember just how strong you are. Rely on your friends/family to help you - don't be afraid to ask for help. Be thankful for your strength! Sometimes the worst situations can teach us so much about our personal willpower, determination and strength!

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