Friday, November 8, 2013

#15: Be Brave

When we found out we were moving to FL, one of the first things we talked about was RIDING A BUS to school. You were so excited...and when the time came - you got right on. I was amazed at your bravery. That afternoon, I was the first mom waiting at the bus stop and it seemed to take forever for me to hear the hummmmmmmmm of the big yellow bus (#150)...but the doors opened and out you came - are brave!
There are so many times in our life when we will need to be brave. Life is scary. The world is scary. New things are scary. Making friends is scary. Moving is scary. I could go on and on...You have taught me a new version of being brave...and for that I'm thankful. Now, it is a lesson that I want you to always remember - no matter what happens...BE BRAVE. Face your fears and overcome your challenges with dignity and respect.

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