Sunday, November 10, 2013

#16: Being Selfish Can Be a Good Thing

I'm not good at being selfish. I always feel guilty - as I think many moms do. When I'm doing something for myself, I usually start to think about all the things I should be/could be doing for others, especially our family. It is both a blessing and a curse to care so much for others...On July 8, 2013, I made a promise to myself. I WILL BE SELFISH! I will put myself on the calendar. I will become a better (and more authentic) version of myself. I will be healthy for my family. I will dedicate myself and stay committed to changing my life for the better...and after 120 days - the results have been phenomenal. I can't stop looking at the pictures. I finally feel like I'm starting to see ME...not your mom, not a 34-year-old-stay-at-home-mom-of-3, but ME. I'm doing it the old-fashioned way - some hard work at the gym and totally transforming my by day, making it count! It is amazing!!!!

Lesson - sometimes being selfish can be a good thing. Your dad has been trying to teach me this for years, but I'm finally listening...and more importantly taking action. I hope that you learn early on to take time for YOU. Even when you are in a partnership, have a family, a job, responsibilities, etc...MAKE TIME FOR YOU and keep people in your life that understand and value the power of SELFISHNESS! :)

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