Tuesday, November 26, 2013

#24: Embrace An Attitude of Thanksgiving

Today was your Kindergarten Thanksgiving program. I literally had to wipe the tears away...I was THAT mom in the back of the auditorium...waving madly only to find out later that you never saw me...LOL...I was THAT mom standing there overwhelmed by how fast time is moving...I was THAT mom thinking about how blessed I am...yep, I am proud to say I WAS THAT MOM!!!

Lesson: Don't wait for the big celebrations to embrace an attitude of thanksgiving. It is really about the small things. The everyday things. The minutes seconds. As we approach Thankgiving, it is easy to be thankful. There have been reminders everywhere this month to take a minute and be thankful...but the bigger (and in my opinion, better) lesson is to ALWAYS be THANKFUL! EMBRACE this as your daily motto. Wake up thankful for new chances, new days...talk to people and be thankful for new friendships, new relationships...write to people and be thankful for the ability to send smiles across the miles...go to bed thankful...for new experiences, new adventures. You are blessed beyond measure - as am I...be thankful in everything you do!

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