Wednesday, October 30, 2013

#7: Sibling Relationships = Love/Hate, But Mostly Love

My best friend is your Aunt Jessica (AJ). She drives me crazy and we often make each other so mad we can't stand it...but at the end of the day, I love her more than words. She is the ONLY one who truly understands all of the nuances of our family. There has never been a day in her life when I wasn't a part of it. She as my best friend from the moment she was born - probably before that! :) When we're apart, I miss her so much that it hurts...and I feel so blessed that she is a part of your lives too!

Lesson: love each other and never let anything break the sibling bond that you have. It is so special to have a sibling...and in your case two. You will love each other. There will be days when you might think you hate each other...but you will ALWAYS love each other!!! Treasure that and remain friends for life!

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