Monday, December 1, 2014

#81: The only person in the world.

I recently went shelling with one of my great friends and it was simply beautiful. We rode a boat out to an island and were dropped off for a few hours. At times, I felt like I was the only person on the island. The wind and waves crashing were the only thing I could hear...and then I'd hear a "Mindy, look what I found!" and realize I wasn't alone...but for a second, it was just and the world.

Sometimes we must fight battles alone. We must face our deepest fears and demons alone. We must cry in the silence of the night. We must hide. We must conquer. We must overcome...ALONE. I struggle with feeling lonely so often these days...but I'm learning that we must fight some battles alone in order to find true love for is a painfully slow process...but progress can often be described in this way. Trust. Go. Progress...even if it is alone.

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