Monday, December 29, 2014

#98: Create a Smile File.

One of the best bosses I ever had taught me this lesson. Create a smile file. There will be days when you are feeling low. You might be feeling lost. You might be feeling sad. You might be feeling lonely. You might be feeling like you've lost your sense of you - your sense of purpose...pull out your smile file and instantly be reminded of your awesomeness. Smile files consist of a collection of notes/pictures/cards/quotes/etc - basically anything that makes you smile...keep them in a folder/box/drawer/etc - basically anything you have access to...and that's it...

I'm always working on my personal smile file. There are some really special things from each of you (ex: this portrait of me by Edwin - I mean that is some awesome hair, right?) that end up there...thank you for making me feel AWESOME! :)

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