Tuesday, December 30, 2014

#99: Don't go to bed angry.

I know what you're thinking...isn't that advice you give to an about to be married couple?!?! Yep...that is where I heard it! At every wedding shower and during every conversation with anyone wanting to give a how to be happily married tip...but I want you to learn this lesson NOW!

Every night we list some happy thoughts together because I believe going to sleep with a positive attitude fosters better rest! It doesn't matter how bad our behaviors have been or how awful our situation is...we can choose to go to bed happy. If not happy, content. We can feel confident that we will try better tomorrow or that we did our best for today. Don't waste time being angry. Find solutions and go to bed knowing that you are collecting positive energy to face tomorrow. 

And yes, if you get married...the lesson will still apply and everyone will want you to think that they are the first to remind you...but in your heart you will know that this was a lesson from your mom! 

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