Thursday, December 18, 2014

#86: Enjoy waiting in lines.

Car line can be fun. I hear parents talking all of the time about how awful car line is...and I must admit, I've sat there on days when I thought I'd never get to the drop off or pick up spot...but guess what, we always did...

Today's lesson is to enjoy waiting in lines.There are lines everywhere - restaurants, shops, drop offs, pick ups, post office, driving, bathrooms - face it, they are a part of our world. The faster you can learn to enjoy waiting in lines, the better life will become. I'm definitely not saying that waiting in lines will ever be (or should ever be) one of your favorite things to do...but we also don't have to hate it. Smile. Say hi to people. Turn on your radio. Sing. Pray. Experience the sunshine. There are a million ways to enjoy our lines. And don't let it stop there - when you get to the front of the line - BE NICE! It is these small things that can make our days mean so much more than mere minutes passing by.

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