Sunday, December 28, 2014

#93: Gifts don't need to be wrapped.

Several years ago (out of laziness, I admit) I stopped wrapping your gifts from us to you. Santa brings your stocking and we give you each 3 symbolize the 3 wise men that brought gifts to Baby Jesus. After seeing how excited Edwin and Lyla were to remove the blanket a few years ago, I instantly thought - wait I don't have to wrap everything. It is just as exciting to pull off a blanket!

Lesson - not all gifts need wrapping. In fact most gifts don't come neatly packaged with a big bow on top. Most gifts might feel like normal things until you actually stop to think about it. Some of my favorite gifts that haven't been wrapped: EACH OF YOU!!! You each came out in your birthday suit and were instantly perfect in every way...a gift beyond measure!

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